PROJECT: FlashCard Pro


FlashCardPro is a program to manage flash cards each with three properties; front, back and evaluation. The simplest form of a flash card is a FrontBackCard where the front and back are texts and evaluation is checking that the user’s input is the same as back.

The app also has a review mode where users can test themselves with the cards they have created.

Cards can also easily be shared via a json file per deck of cards.

This project is implemented from scratch while learning the ropes of design patterns and software architecture.

Code Contribution

Major Contribution

  • Came up with initial structure for the model of abstract flash cards #52

  • Came up with high level design for feedback loop of processing input and gui interaction #52 Responder Responses ResponseFunc State

  • Implemented FileReadWrite library used by the team to store and read files in a centralized location. #63 FileReadWrite

  • Implemented JSON parsing algorithm from scratch that takes a string input and creates JsonValue objects that can be interpreted in java to reconstruct objects that it represents. #63 All JSON Parsing

  • Implemented a cli that reads keystrokes and based on that action determines how to edit and present text for the user. It is to emulate a terminal window. It also has multiline editing capabilities (a mini text editor), all implemented using purely javafx KeyEvent and timer. #277 #279 #284 #336 #361 #372

Minor Contribution

  • Utils for string formatting Printer

  • Algorithms for Regex generation and data extraction. RegexUtil

  • Contributed to storage for stats objects i.e. Sessions. #258

  • JUnit tests for StorageManager, FileReadWrite, Printer and all the JSON classes tests

  • Various refactoring and debugging.

Documentation Contribution

Miscellaneous Documentation

Wrote a tutorial for the team to understand Responses at its most basic form

Storage component

Figure 1. Structure of the Storage Component

The Storage component,

  • interface to save deck by calling FileReadWrite

  • interface to load deck by calling FileReadWrite, send string to JsonParser and creating deck objects from JsonValue

The JsonParser component,

  • takes any string of JSON format and returns a JsonValue

The FileReadWrite component,

  • resolves root directory for app save data

  • interface for user to provide their custom root directory

  • writes file and creates path directories if none


The parsing is done by JsonParser. It takes a string and attempts to read it as one of a JsonValueTypes and create its corresponding object wrapped in JsonValue. Since Objects and Arrays can recursively contain a json value, their contents are also read, created and wrapped.

  • JsonParser#parseJsonInput() — constructs the JsonValue object from a string input

Given below is the overview activity diagram of parsing a json string input.


It will first be tested to see if its an integer and if it fails it will be tested for a double. Consequently, boolean, string, json object, json array.

Json object values are themselves json values thus the activity diagram is called recursively Likewise for json array values.

If all parsing types fail, there must be an error with the string input, thus a JsonFormatException is thrown.

Design Considerations

The JsonParser is designed to be a utility class with a pure function without any mutation of state. Thus it should be self contained within a single function call.

Having that we are using the regex approach to parsing, some common parsing and regex creation methods are stored in the following class:

RegexUtil#commandFormatRegex` creates a regex that starts with the command argument and lookaheads for the elements of args. Thus a regex for the input create front/asd back/dsa can be created with commandFormatRegex("create", new String[]{"front/", "back/"});.

RegexUtil#parseCommandFormat is an algorithm that parses user input and returns the resulting values from the input. Following the previous example, parsing the input will create an arraylist of two arraylists. The first arraylist contains one element "asd" and the second arraylist contains one element "dsa"; parallel to the arguments of the input.

User Guide

Command History

  • After keying in a command, press up and down arrow keys to navigate your command history.

  • If in multiline editing mode, press (Ctrl+d) to submit the multiline text

  • In single line mode use (Ctrl+c) to clear the line

  • Press (Ctrl+v) to paste clipboard content. If in multiline mode it will paste as per normal. In singleline mode each line will be evaluated.